
SMS marketing has been a force to reckon in the business world since the turn of the century. Even with its formidable run, there have been a number of naysayers. With time, some of the things said have entered modern-folklore.

Most of the negativity has been spewed by people who don’t have all the facts right. One oft-overlooked fact is that SMS marketing is unrivaled when it comes to boosting click-through-rates in the mobile marketing scene. Here are 7 myths about SMS marketing.

7 Popular Myths about SMS Marketing You Should Ignore…

1. SMS Marketing is Only for Millennials

This particular myth is particularly widespread because it perpetuates the long-held belief by some that only the young interact with tech-devices. Most marketers aspire to connect with the millennial and generation Z crowd. The logic here is that once they tap into these two demographics, then, they are able to reap big rewards.

Nevertheless, nothing could be further from the truth. In contemporary times, people of all ages participate in the texting craze. It’s thus quite common to find baby boomers, generation X, and the lost generation entourage texting-nonstop. The stats show that 97% of smartphone users actively text every week.

2. SMS Marketing Translates to SPAM

Unsolicited marketing moves are popularly referred to as spam. The belief that SMS marketing constitutes the bulk of spam messages is quite a stretch. This is because SMS marketing is only carried out by marketers once they have consent from members of their audience.

For you to undertake a successful SMS marketing strategy, you should first seek consent from probable consumers. Doing so allows consumers to be mentally ready for a sales pitch hence avoiding the awkwardness. Consent also goes a long way when it comes to boosting the read and response rate of campaigns.

3. SMS Marketing Does Not Connect Like Social Media

This is one of the myths that seems impossible to dispel. Many marketers falsely believe that SMS marketing is not feasible because people don’t appreciate it. Because of this fear, some businesses assume that people will not be welcoming to the idea.

Emergent data has proven that this is not the case. About 70 percent of consumers view texting in a positive light. This demographic sees texting as a fantastic way for businesses to connect with them. Most of those surveyed were quoted saying that they enjoyed hearing from some of the top brands.

Importantly, many people have their phones within reach. This makes it easier for marketers to form personal relationships through SMS marketing. In this respect, smaller businesses may have an edge over the larger corporations. These establishments are able to maintain close relationships with their customers. Their up-close nature appeals to many since they seem less intrusive.

You can pair up your SMS marketing campaign with your social media strategy. To further integrate the two, you can try giving consumers the option to be part of your text messaging circle. Incentives like a “VIP Text Club” can go a long way in boosting the brand profile.

4. Only the Big Brands do SMS Marketing

While it’s public knowledge that a well-crafted SMS marketing strategy can help brands reap big rewards, many small establishments are usually hesitant to adapt. The notion here is that SMS marketing only works best for the big corporations. However, this is false. You can run a flawless SMS marketing campaign with a small budget and still keep pace with the larger companies. Local dentists, salons and even some recruitment companies have taken advantage of SMS marketing.

The trick lies in keeping things simple. There’s really no reason to feel compelled to come up with stunning imagery to make your SMS marketing drive pop. Unless of course, you want to. Big brands splurge thousands of dollars on amazing graphics just for visual appeal.

In retrospect, SMS marketing is all about the engagement you have with your customers. This fact was highlighted when a study revealed that customers care more about customer experience than every other facet of marketing. With this in mind, the playing field is evened out for small enterprises. This is because they are able to focus on catering on their customers’ needs.

5. SMS Marketing is Time Consuming

As a marketer, you should not hesitate to adopt SMS marketing as part of your strategy. The learning curve may be a bit steep but once you get the hang of it, you’ll find it to be an easy undertaking. Acquiring the right skills in any trade typically takes time, but over time, things pan out.

When learning the ropes, you should focus on getting the fundamentals right. Over time, you’re bound to realize that SMS marketing is considerably easier compared to the other marketing channels. There are a couple of neat tricks at your disposal once you embrace technology. A texting platform software allows you to use templates and schedule messages.

6. Smartphones are Necessary

As a marketer, you should not buy into the widespread notion that SMS marketing only works when people have smartphones. Many marketers are hesitant to take on board SMS marketing because they feel that the reach is restricted.

In truth, SMS marketing allows brands to connect with more people than any other channel. This is because people don’t need to have specialized technology to engage with brands. All that’s necessary is an SMS-enabled phone. Given the fact that 95% of Americans have cellular access, SMS marketing is the perfect avenue for you to fish for new clients. Through it, you can reach people from all walks of life. There’s no barrier that inhibits you from linking up with various age groups and ethnicities.

7. SMS is a Dying Fad

Contrary to the beliefs of some, the art of SMS-ing not on its deathbed. Even with the advent of social media, many people still like sending text messages to their associates. Texting seems to be unbowed by all criticism leveled against it and has managed to stick around for the last 18 years. Rather than slow down, texting has become more popular in all age groups.

A recent report by Message Systems revealed that about 89% of executives were ready to implement SMS marketing as part of their strategy. As a marketer, it’s always important to take cues from what’s happening in the business world. So, if you haven’t already embraced SMS marketing, now is the best time to do so.


Having spent 18 years either running his own agency or an agency for others, Jason has strong expertise in both B2B and retail marketing, and has been working with large clients on how to bring campaigns to market.

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